Last night as a family of 5

Let me start off by saying that N and Y do not leave until Sunday but Hunter leaves tomorrow to be with his dad.  

I think the best part of the day was when we delivered lasagnas.  I'm part of a great organization called lasagna love.  We deliver lasagnas to people - sometimes it is for people who do not have food and sometimes it's for a front line worker too exhausted to make a home cooked meal.  When we pulled up to the house, N and Y were a bit confused.  I explained everything and they wanted to take the food with me to the doorstep.  It's great having them help me give back.  

We also had fun building a fort and, being a teacher, I've never had so much fun watching the kids learn! I hope that they are able to come back so that we can do some more learning together!

Lastly, when I started this journey, the director asked us to take the kids to the dentist and eye doctor. Again, thanks to a good friend, Jessica Bakker, Northshore was willing to cover the expenses for most of the NWI kids for dental and eye.  While we haven't gone to the dentist yet, we did go to the eye doctor.  N's vision is done.  Y's vision is not. Not only does he have poor vision but he also has a lot of scaring on his cornea (this was caused by something, he was not born with it). And it has been this way for at least 7 years.  Y often sees double, has blurry vision, and a number of other problems. I was able to purchase him glasses and while that helps, it does not totally solve the problem.  When he got his glasses, he was so happy! He said his vision is better! I just hope and pray that I'm able to help him truly repair his eye site in the future. 

As I sit here writing this, the pain of them leaving is becoming a reality.  Having to let them go is weighing on me.  Realizing that my house will be a little less loud and a little less messy is hard.  Knowing that I may not see these boys again is heartbreaking.  As I write the next few entries, please pray for their safe travels and pray that God watches over them.  They have been dealt such a hard hand with hearts of gold.  


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