Heartache 💔
When I started this journey, the director asked all host parents to take the kids to the dentist and eye doctors. In a previous post I talked about how Northshore Hospital system helped with eye doctors. Well, they went above and beyond and also had their dentists saw many of the Ukrainian kids.
We could not make appointments for the kids until they arrived because we did not have all of their information. This meant that many of the appointments were made towards the end of their time here.
Well, some kids couldn't wait that long. There were stories of some of the children having teeth that were rotting upon arrival. Again, Northshore came through and made arrangements to see those kids that so badly needed it.
Fast forward to today. N and Y had their appointments. I was nervous as to what we would learn. N's teeth were by far better but still had more than 6 cavities. Y had more cavities than that and most likely one extraction. Due to the fact that they leave on Sunday, the dentist put some sealants on the teeth.
The boys did amazing! But, again, I can't imagine having this much wrong with teeth and not complaining of any pain. Had they just had it for so long that they just dealt with it?
As we move one day closer to their departure, please continue to pray for them - pray for their safe travels, pray for their ability to return so that we can fix the cavities, and pray for our family. I sit here in my living room at 10:30 pm (yes, way past my bedtime) and it's eerily quiet. Yes, the boys are all in bed. But it's sad to know that this silence is going to be more common during the waking hours in the very near future...
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