honeymoon period is slowly ending

We spent our first full day at home in Indiana.  We had to come back to pick up the dogs before heading back to my mom's in Iowa.  When I signed up to do this, I was a little nervous because I would be hosting during the winter months.  It's very hard to have kids cooped up inside the whole time.  And if not, you spend a lot of money doing activities. 

But yesterday was a beautiful day outside! All the boys were able to play outside! They rode the motorbike, electric scooter, and power wheels.  They played basketball on the trampoline and met our dogs.  N was very excited to play with the dogs while Y was definitely hesitant.  Towards the end of the day Y had warmed up to them and was enjoying them. 

We were gifted a ticket to Harvest Thyme Christmas lights drive thru. We also were gifted hot chocolate and cookies.  As we drove through the kids loved all the lights and the music.  We even got snowed on (fake snow machine)! It was a wonderful way to end the night. 

As evident from the title of this entry, we're starting to get into the routine of daily life together.  I have learned that children in orphanages quite often don't know when they will get their next meal.  So it is common for the kids to hoard food. And when they are here, they see how wasteful we are with food which can add to the difficult situation. Normally, with my children, I make a meal and we sit down to eat.  My kids have to try all the food.  If they don't like it they don't have to eat it but no snacks later and no dessert.  However, trying this tactic with the Ukrainian boys will encourage hoarding. The lessons we are learning...


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